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Top 10 Most Powerful Woman in the World 2023

top 10 most powerful woman in the world

top 10 most powerful woman in the world

There was a time when women were considered very weak in society and were seen only for family and husband’s needs. With time today, women are giving competition to men everywhere in every sector. Be it as an athlete like Serena Williams or PV Sindhu to leading an entire nation like Sheikh Hasina or Benazir Bhutto, women all over the world have come a long way.

Every year we consider 8th March as Women’s Day to make her feel special and to show that she is also equal to men. These are currently the top 10 most powerful woman in the world who are the inspiration of all.

10. Jane Fraser

Jane Fraser, a true powerhouse in the corporate realm, stands as a leading figure in the financial industry. As the CEO of Citigroup, she has earned her reputation as one of the most powerful woman in the world. Fraser made history in 2021 by becoming the first female CEO of a central Wall Street bank, breaking through barriers and glass ceilings in a male-dominated domain.

Fraser has consistently exhibited exceptional leadership and a strategic vision, propelling Citigroup to new heights. Her commitment to diversity and inclusion within the organization has set an inspiring example for the entire corporate world.

Jane Fraser’s relentless drive and innovative approach to challenges have earned her widespread respect and admiration. As a trailblazer for women in finance, she continues to inspire future generations and reshape the landscape of global finance.

9. Julie Sweet 

Julie Sweet is a member of Fortune’s Most Powerful Women in Business list. She is also listed on Forbes’ list of the world’s most powerful woman. Julie has led Accenture through significant change and is recognized as a powerful business executive. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from Claremont McKenna College. Her success as a business leader has earned her a place on the list of the most powerful women in the world.

As a member of the Business Roundtable, she is the chair of its Technology, Internet, and Innovation Committee. She was named on one of FORTUNE’s “Most Powerful Women” lists. Sweet holds a Juris Doctor degree from Columbia Law School and is a member of the College’s board of trustees in 2017.

8. Karen Lynch

Karen Lynch, an exemplary figure in the healthcare industry, has earned her place among the world’s most powerful woman. As the CEO of a renowned healthcare organization, Lynch has made an indelible mark on the sector through her exceptional leadership and transformative vision.

With a distinguished career spanning several decades, Lynch has consistently committed to advancing patient care and promoting accessible healthcare solutions. Her innovative strategies have improved medical services and fostered a culture of compassion and empathy within the organization.

Under Lynch’s guidance, the company has seen significant growth and achieved commendable milestones, solidifying her status as a trailblazer in the healthcare realm. Her dedication to fostering diversity and empowering women within the industry serves as an inspiration for aspiring professionals.

As Karen Lynch continues to drive positive change and reshape the future of healthcare, her influence will undoubtedly leave an enduring impact on countless individuals worldwide.

7. Giorgia Meloni

Giorgia Meloni, a formidable force in Italian politics, has emerged as one of the most potent woman globally. As the leader of a prominent conservative party, Meloni has distinguished herself with her unwavering commitment to her principles and dedication to serving her country.

Meloni displayed remarkable political understanding from a young age, becoming the youngest Minister of Youth in Italian history. Her rise to prominence was marked by her ability to connect with citizens, offering pragmatic solutions to pressing issues, and advocating for traditional values.

As a staunch defender of national identity and sovereignty, Meloni’s policies have resonated with a significant portion of the population. Her unwavering stance on immigration, security, and economic reform has earned her both admiration and opposition.

Beyond Italy’s borders, Giorgia Meloni’s influence continues to grow as her bold leadership style and persuasive rhetoric capture the attention of the global political community. As she continues to shape the direction of Italian politics, her impact on the international stage will be enduring and transformative.

6. Melinda French Gates

Melinda French Gates is a philanthropist and former Microsoft executive. She was a computer scientist and general manager for the software giant. Forbes has regularly listed her as one of the world’s most powerful woman. Her philanthropic efforts have benefited millions of people.

French Gates has advocated for gender equity and equality for decades. She recently committed $1 billion to Pivotal Ventures, an incubator and investment firm aimed at improving the lives of women and girls. In an interview with Fortune, French Gates revealed more details about her charitable giving.

Gates earned her bachelor’s and MBA degrees from Duke University. She then spent the first decade of her career at Microsoft, creating multimedia products. She later left the company to spend more time with her family. She has three children and resides in Seattle, Washington. She is also the author of a book, The Moment of Lift.

Also, read >> Top 10 Best Hospitals in the World

5. Abigail Johnson 

Abigail Johnson is a powerful woman with an impressive resume. She graduated from Harvard Business School and joined Fidelity Investments after earning her MBA. She also serves on the board of directors of SIFMA and MIT. In 2016, she was named one of the most powerful women in the world.

Abigail Johnson is the CEO and Chairman of Fidelity Investments, which her grandfather founded. She holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and is the only woman on the board of the Financial Services Forum. She also embraces cryptocurrencies, and her firm has recently launched an online platform for institutional investors to trade cryptocurrencies.

Abigail Johnson has been on the Forbes list since 2005, and she has been named one of the most powerful women in the world. She has donated more than $8 billion to charity in her lifetime.

Abigail Johnson has a net worth of $15 billion and manages the company’s $2.9 trillion assets. While she is a billionaire, she also makes a difference in the lives of ordinary women. She serves meals at a Boston homeless shelter and supports arts projects.

4. Mary Barra

General Motors CEO Mary Barra is the newest addition to the list of the top 10 most powerful women in the United States. Barra is the first woman to be CEO in the automobile industry. She has made history by investing billions in electric and self-driving cars and launching ride-sharing services like Maven. She has also repositioned production lines to create ventilators.

Barra started her career as a line inspector at age 18 and spent most of her career at General Motors. She later became the CEO of the company in 2014. Barra believes in the science behind climate change and spearheaded an effort to sell zero-emission cars by 2035. She has also been a champion of the OneTen coalition to expand economic opportunities for women.

Barra was named the most powerful woman in the world three times, including in 2016. She has led G.M. through a series of challenges, including the ignition switch recall in 2014. Barra also invested in ride-sharing service Lyft and bought Valley start-up Cruise Automation for $581 million. During her tenure at G.M., the company posted record profits and increased revenue. She is also investing in Lyft and other start-ups to boost their growth.

3. Kamala Harris 

Former California senator Kamala Harris has been named among the world’s second most powerful women by Forbes magazine. The 17th annual list features women from 30 countries and four generations, including ten heads of state, 38 CEOs, and five entertainers. The list also includes many women currently holding critical political and business positions.

Other women whose positions are highly influential in the U.S. government include Katharine Tai, US Trade Representative; Cecilia Rouse, chair of the Council of Economic Advisers; and Isabel Guzman, administrator of the Small Business Administration. The list also includes former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, the White House press secretary, and Cabinet Secretary Evan Ryan.

Since becoming a senator, Harris has championed issues that affect immigrant communities. During her tenure on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, she has fought for better protections for DREAMers and called for tighter oversight of conditions in immigrant detention facilities.

Among the other women on the list, Harris was the first Black woman nominated for a vice presidential position. She also was the first Black woman to accept a vice presidential nomination. She became the first female attorney general of California.

2. Christine Lagarde 

Christine Lagarde has achieved a great deal throughout her life. She has held several portfolios in the French Ministry of Finance and is also a well-versed speaker of English. She is a lawyer by training and she becomes the first female chairman of an international law firm.

She is a strict vegetarian and abstains from alcohol. In addition, she enjoyed swimming and cycling and was previously a member of the French swimming team.

As the first woman to head the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde is a renowned role model and advocate for gender equality. Before taking on the role of IMF Managing Director, she was France’s finance minister. She is a champion of female empowerment and has long argued that more women in banking would improve the world’s financial stability. For this reason, she has been called one of the most powerful women in the world.

1. Ursula von der Leyen 

Ursula von der Leyen, the former defense minister, is the eighth most powerful woman in the world. She has served in Angela Merkel’s cabinet since she was chancellor. She was a top contender to succeed Merkel in the Chancellery. Her rapid rise in politics fueled speculation that she would eventually become chancellor. But despite her rapid rise, von der Leyen has had to contend with scandals and problems in the military.

As President of the European Union, von der Leyen’s day-to-day duties involve getting the 27 member states’ College of Commissioners to agree on E.U. policy. The European Union’s president must also find consensus among member states on legislation. Her political style is known for being fiercely competitive, and the Commission’s threats to the U.K. shocked many in Europe. However, many question how much damage this will do to von der Leyen’s reputation. Cathryn Cluver Ashbrook believes that von der Leyen’s ambitions are matched by her enormous self-confidence.

Von der Leyen was the longest-serving member of Angela Merkel’s cabinet. She appointed 27 commissioners to the E.U., including 12 women. She is now Germany’s first woman president of the European Commission.

Hope you like to know who are the top 10 most powerful woman in the world, and who you admire the most comment down below.

Source: The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women 2022

Note: The above list is subject to change in the future. We will update it accordingly.

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