Top 10 Highest Populated Countries in the World

The population in this world is overgrowing day by day. The world’s population is 7,982,977,385, and 35.46% lives in the world’s top 10 most populous countries. Out of this, more than 1 billion people live in both China and India. 

What do you think about who ranked the Top 10 highest populated countries in the world? Read the below article to know more about it.

10. Mexico

Total Population: 128,455,567

Percentage of the world: 1.60%

Continent: North America

Mexico’s population is expected to grow by nearly a million annually by 2023. The country’s overall life expectancy is 75.4 years, while the female life expectancy is 78.0 years. During the first decade of this century, Mexico’s population was under 30 years old. The number of births in the country surpassed deaths by about 1,889,080. This growth is due to rapid improvements in the country’s health system.

The Censo de Poblacion 2020 estimates the country’s population at 126 million. This number is higher than the 13.1 million projected by the United Nations. The government is primarily urban, with half its population in just 55 large metropolitan areas. Because of this, the population density is much higher in cities.

Mexico’s growth has been accompanied by a string of economic booms and busts, resulting in declines in the living standards of the lower and middle classes. Social inequality is still a significant problem in Mexico and a widespread crime under the control of the drug cartels. The country attempts to develop a more equitable economy while reducing poverty and racial discrimination.

As of 2022, Mexico has a population of 131.6 million. It is the third-largest country in Latin America. It is comprised of 31 states and a Federal District. It has a diverse population, and its growth is estimated to remain steady until 2024.

9. Russia

Total Population: 144,444,359 

Percentage of the world: 1.80%

Continent: Europe

According to the United Nations, Russia will have 145,805,944 people in 2022, 1.87% of the world’s total population. The country has a total land area of 16,377,742 square kilometers, and its population density is approximately nine people per square kilometer.

The life expectancy of a male in Russia is 66 years, while a female’s life expectancy is 76 years. The country borders Belarus, Azerbaijan, China, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and North Korea. It has the largest freshwater lake in the world, Lake Baikal, which has more water than all the Great Lakes combined. In addition, Russia was the first to launch an Earth satellite called Sputnik. Today, 67% of its population works in the industry and service sectors, while only 6% work in agriculture.

In addition to declining fertility rates, Russia’s population is getting older. The country has the world’s most-aged population. The average Russian is 40.3 years old. Its low immigration rate is also contributing to the declining population. Although Putin’s plans for the country’s future rely on increased population growth, many people still doubt it will happen.

Regardless of the trend, Russia will remain a significant world power. The United Nations Population Division, or UNPD, estimates the country’s total population. This is based on data from the World Population Prospects, updated every five years. The United Nations uses a medium-fertility variant to estimate population growth in different years.

8. Bangladesh

Total Population: 172,954,319

Percentage of the world: 2.15%

Continent: Asia

Bangladesh is a country with a large population. According to the 2011 Census, over 98% of the country’s population is Bengali. It is also home to Bengal tigers, who roam in the Sundarbans. It also boasts 150 kilometers of the seafront, the longest in Asia.

The constitution protects religious freedom in Bangladesh. People of all faiths are allowed to practice and express their religion freely. A Christian education system operates in the country, which is well-respected by the local community. There is also no restriction on freedom of speech, though it is only sometimes respected.

While Christians are the most significant minority in Bangladesh, the country is home to several minority groups. Buddhists are the majority and are concentrated in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and the north. A small number of Ahmadis live in Dhaka. The population is expected to reach 20 million by 2022 and continue growing. The country has a large working-age population. While 94% of the population lives in rural areas, many people move to the cities to improve their lives. The population in Bangladesh is too high for its land.

7. Brazil

Total Population: 216,422,446

Percentage of the world: 2.69%

Continent: South America

The population of Brazil will grow by about 1,358,000 people per day by 2022. The population of Brazil is estimated to be 215,681,045 on January 1, 2022. The number of births will surpass the number of deaths by around 1,940,723 in 2021. In addition, there will be an increase of 4,275 people per day due to migration. In 2021, the country will have a sex ratio of 0.968 (968 men per 1,000 women). This number of people is much lower than the sex ratio worldwide, 1,016 men for every 1,000 females.

Brazil has many regions and landscapes. The Atlantic Lowlands are in the northeast, covering one-fourth of the nation’s land area and one-fifth of its population. These regions are home to some of the world’s most diverse ecosystems, including tropical and subtropical forests. The country also contains the world’s most extensive river system and virgin rainforest. The population of these regions is relatively small compared to other parts of the country. Still, more settlers are moving into these areas to extend agriculture.

The population of Brazil is expected to increase by around 1,962 million people during 2022 and reach 217,643,743 by 2023. The increase is expected to be primarily natural, with 1,958,388 births exceeding the number of deaths by 1,938,384. However, this growth will be offset by the rise in external migration of 4,314 people for various reasons. The total population will increase by about 1.6 million people by 2034 and remain around that level until 2060.

6. Nigeria

Total Population: 223,804,632

Percentage of the world: 2.78%

Continent: Africa

Nigeria is a country with a diverse population. Over 250 ethnic groups are represented, and over 500 languages are spoken nationwide. The most common languages are Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba; many other languages are also expressed. Nigeria has a high dependency rate, with each person working having at least one dependent. This ratio is even higher, considering that people with children and those with disabilities are included.

Nigeria’s population is expected to reach 214,568,727 people on January 1, 2022, up from 210,279,390 in 2021. This increase is attributed to favorable natural demographics, with the number of births exceeding the number of deaths by about 5,722,548 people. However, external migration will remain at the same level as last year, resulting in a decrease in the population of about 75,099 people. This decrease in population will be attributed to the number of emigrants over immigrants.

The Nigerian population is also overgrowing, with the number of people living there increasing by 15,678 per day in 2022. The United Nations Population Fund estimates that the population of Nigeria will be around 216 million in 2022 and may surpass 400 million in 2050. The increase in population is also a factor in Nigeria’s economic development, as population growth and urbanization tend to increase urban density. Higher urban agglomeration increases the economic potential of a country, making it easier for companies to produce goods cheaply and serve low-income customers.

5. Pakistan

Total Population: 240,485,658

Percentage of the world: 2.99%

Continent: Asia

Pakistan’s population is overgrowing and is at a high risk of overcrowding. Many issues have to be addressed to make Pakistan a better place. Crowded schools and clinics, impoverished communities, and poor infrastructure are all symptoms of an overcrowded population. 60% of the population is under 30 years old. Nearly a third of the population lives below the international poverty line. Only 58% of the population is literate. This situation has many reasons, including religious taboos, political timidity, and public ignorance.

According to United Nations projections, Pakistan will have 235,824,862 people in 2022. This figure is higher than that of any other country in the world. The country has been experiencing dramatic population changes in recent decades, including rapid urbanization and the growth of megacities. Although there are still many rural Pakistanis, more than half of the population now lives in towns and cities of 5,000 or more people. Several of the largest cities are home to over ten million people.

The population of Pakistan is expected to reach 228,037,618 people on January 1, 2022. This is a slight increase from the year before. The Pakistani population is composed of 110,835,000 males and 104,989,000 women. The country has a sex ratio of 1.033 (1,056 men to 1,000 women). In addition, Pakistan is one of the few countries with a lower life expectancy than the U.S.

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4. Indonesia

Total Population: 277,534,122

Percentage of the world: 3.45%

Continent: Asia

The Indonesia population 2022 is a forecast published by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). The population is expected to reach nearly 200 million in 2022. The country has been steadily growing since 1950 and is expected to continue. This forecast is based on the medium-fertility variant of the United Nations Population Division’s population estimates.

The country’s population is still young compared to many Western nations, with a median age of only 28.7 years and expected to reach 36 years by 2050. Indonesia has over 50% of the population aged 20 to 54 years, which is significant considering that they account for nearly 75% of the labor force and 75% of the gross national income.

The country’s rapid development has caused a high urbanization rate. By 2010, more than 40% of Indonesians lived in cities. The government has over fifteen thousand urban subdivisions, including Jakarta, which has reached a density of 14,400 people per square kilometer. Overall, Indonesia has around 151 people per square kilometer.

Education is free in Indonesia and is compulsory for all children until grade 12. Approximately 92% of the country’s primary school-age population is enrolled in school. However, only a small number of students attend full-time. In addition, 44% of secondary school-aged children participate in junior high school, and some attend vocational schools.

3. United States

Total Population: 339,996,563

Percentage of the world: 4.23%

Continent: North America

The United States population is projected to reach 370 million by 2035. However, that number may be higher. The United States has a large population density, which varies widely across states. The population density of the United States is increasing at a rapid rate. In 1640, the country had only 25,000 whites, and most lived in New England and Virginia. By the 1660 census, the number of whites was closer to 80,000.

In the 2010 census, 308 million people lived in the United States. This trend has slowed in recent years but will likely reoccur in 2022. The number of people living in the United States is expected to increase by about 6 million per day. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused slower growth in recent years.

The United States has a relatively high life expectancy compared to other countries. For instance, it will have more people over 65 years than those under 35. The state can allocate more health care, education, and social protection funds. In addition, Americans are living longer than people in other countries, with women living longer than men.

In addition to the overall growth rate, the United States will continue to become more diverse. In 2021, the average age of people living in the country is expected to rise by nearly five years. The population of the United States will be more diverse than it is now. Compared to the 1950s, the country’s overall racial makeup will continue to change. Although Whites will remain the largest group, they will also represent a small portion of the population.

2. China 

Total Population: 1,425,671,352

Percentage of the world: 17.72%

Continent: Asia

China’s population growth is slowing, but it’s still growing. The one-child policy is contributing to this. After 2022, the population growth is expected to slow to 1% per year. After that, the population is predicted to drop to about 587 million. This will have a profound effect on the country’s economy. By 2030, the working-age population will be a third of its peak.

The UN has revised its population projections for China. However, the last time these numbers were updated was in 2021, before China released its official figures for fertility. So, there is still time to determine whether or not these projections will be accurate. However, a recent data breach has given us some clarity.

China’s life expectancy at birth is high – 74.7 years. This number is much higher than the global average. It shows that the number of babies born in China is higher than the number of infant deaths. During the pandemic, Chinese families were less likely to have children. This reduced the birth rate to 7.52 per 1,000 people in 2021, the lowest level in history. However, this doesn’t mean that China will have a population decrease in the next few years.

In 2030, the Chinese population is predicted to be 1,416,432,510 people. The natural growth in the country is expected to exceed deaths by a total of 7,840,820 people. However, the number of new immigrants is estimated to be only 389,875. Additionally, China’s sex ratio was 1.080 (1,080 males for every 1,000 females).

1. India

Total Population: 1,428,627,663

Percentage of the world: 17.76%

Continent: Asia

India, a land of vibrant culture and rich history, is also home to one of the most populous nations on Earth. With a population that has been steadily growing over the years, India’s demographic dynamics present both opportunities and challenges for the country.

As of my last knowledge update in July 2023, India’s population is set to grow to 1.515 billion in 2030 from 1.428 billion in 2023. China’s population, by contrast, is expected to fall slightly from 1.426 billion to 1.416 billion over the same period. This vast and diverse population is distributed across diverse regions, languages, religions, and socio-economic backgrounds, making India a melting pot of cultures.

The factors contributing to India’s massive population growth are multi-faceted. Improved healthcare and advancements in medical technology have led to a decline in infant mortality rates, increasing life expectancy and overall population numbers. Additionally, cultural norms and a strong emphasis on family values significantly encourage larger families.

While the youthful population presents a potential demographic dividend for economic growth, it poses significant challenges. Providing education, healthcare, and employment opportunities for such a vast number of people remains a considerable task for the Indian government. Addressing the needs of this burgeoning population is vital to achieving sustainable development and prosperity.

In conclusion, India’s population is a dynamic force that shapes the country’s trajectory on the global stage. With a youthful and diverse populace, the nation holds immense potential for growth and development.

These are the Top 10 highest populated countries in the world as of 16th July 2023. 

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NOTE: The above list is subject to change in the future. We will update it accordingly.

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