In the most dangerous jobs in the world, no work is small or big. There may be unlimited jobs in this world, but some jobs are straightforward, and some are dangerous. Some people do jobs sitting in front of computer desks, and some work by putting their lives in their hands—difficult jobs subject workers to risks like injury or death.
As demonstrated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) death rate, the following occupations are the most dangerous. Many are curious to know which are the world’s top 10 Most Dangerous Jobs.
10. Underground Mining
Underground mining machine operators are one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. These workers operate large, heavy machines at risk of injuries and fatalities. These workers are frequently exposed to hazardous conditions such as falling rocks, unstable shafts, and toxic gasses. In addition, their limited visibility can hinder their response time to potential hazards. Finally, working in confined spaces can lead to the onset of black lung disease.
Thousands of lives have been lost in mining accidents over the years. These accidents represent about 8% of the world’s fatal accidents. Thankfully, safety measures have been introduced, and there are now many safety resources for miners to take to keep them safe. Despite the high level of risk, the industry continues to provide essential jobs.

In addition to the high risk of injury and death, this occupation is often underpaid. On average, a person working in this field earns less than $41,000 annually. The low pay makes these jobs less desirable. Taking safety measures and a crash safety training course before working in the field is essential to avoid such a pitfall.
There are many types of mining, and some are more dangerous than others. While some mining is safer than others, brain injury caused by an accident in a mine can take years to recover from. It is important to remember that the people inside a mine are unaware of your presence and can be brutal.
9. Water-Based Transport Worker
The authors analyzed the study’s fatal injury rates of 71 detailed occupations. They calculated the injury rates by taking the fatal injuries per 100,000 full-time workers. For example, workers in the water-based transport industry experience a higher fatality rate than in any other job. This rate can sometimes be as high as 20 times higher.
According to a study by AdvisorSmith, the most dangerous jobs pay less than $50,000 annually. In addition, self-employed workers are four times more likely to die on the job than their full-time counterparts. Logging workers, for example, spend nearly all their time outside in remote locations and are exposed to potentially toxic materials and water.

Nearly all the trade entering and leaving the United States occurs by sea. As such, over 400,000 people work in this industry. Because of this, their workplaces are considered highly hazardous. These workers are exposed to dangerous materials and heavy equipment. They also face the risk of contracting diseases and suffering traumatic injuries.
8. Truck Driver
A truck driver has one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Long road hours and strict schedules can risk a driver’s health. Other dangers associated with the job include lifting crates and containers, slips and falls, and driving over the speed limit. There are also high rates of fatalities in this line of work.
Many drivers fear the overnight shift. They may get distracted, misjudge the proper shoulder distance, or come across a drunk driver late at night. In addition, accidents with large trucks can change the driver’s life. It is not always possible to prevent a truck accident.

Truck drivers have a higher rate of workplace fatalities than any other occupation. As demonstrated by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2016, there were 786 fatal accidents among truck drivers. The number of these accidents has risen 47 percent since 2009. Truck drivers also have a higher road time rate than other occupations.
The job requires truck drivers to work long hours and are pressured to meet deadlines. Because of this, they rarely get the recommended rest, which can lead to poor health and even accident risk.
7. Structural Iron or Steel Worker
While working high above the ground, a structural iron or steel worker can quickly lose balance and fall to death. Luckily, falls like this can be prevented using fall arrestors, safety nets, and guardrail systems. Other precautions include placing rails around open platforms and guarding holes in the floor. Additionally, rebar must be protected if it could impale someone working nearby. Finally, unprotected leading edges need special attention.
Many ironworkers train through an apprenticeship program that can take three or four years. Apprentices must have 2,000 hours of paid on-the-job training and complete at least 144 hours of technical instruction. Upon completion of an apprenticeship program, an ironworker is considered a journeyman. A journeyman can take the same training as other ironworkers but may not be directly supervised.

The most common injury to a structural iron or steel worker is from falling objects or high places. Exposed rebar, forklift tines, or project materials can impale ironworkers. They may also suffer from cuts caused by metal tools or machinery. These can cause scarring on the muscles and cause infection. These workers can be exposed to high-voltage materials and equipment that can cause serious injury.
6. Trash and Recyclable Material Collector
As demonstrated by t Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the sixth most dangerous job in the world is to pick up trash and recyclable materials. These individuals are exposed to hazards in their daily duties, including dangerous objects, heavy machinery, and even high-speed vehicles. They also typically must stop in the middle of traffic lanes, making it difficult to avoid accidents. The fatalities for refuse and recyclable material collectors is approximately 32 per 100,000 workers, much higher than the rate for other jobs.
Bureau of Labor Statistics National Census demonstrated that 34 workers were killed in 2011 due to their duties. This is from the 2010 rate of 29.8 deaths per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers. Trash and recyclable material collectors were found to be America’s fourth most dangerous job in both 2010 and 2011.

Trash and recyclable material collection workers are also susceptible to diseases and accidents. The most significant cause of fatalities for waste workers is being hit by a car. Drivers speed up to their destination quickly and can hit waste collectors as they load their trucks. Luckily, most fatalities in the industry are preventable, but this does not mean the work is complete without danger.
Other hazards that trash and recyclable material collectors may face include exposure to biological hazards, such as hepatitis and HIV. Additionally, they are at risk of catching fire from dangerous materials.
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5. An Aircraft Pilot or Aircraft Engineer
As a pilot or flight engineer, you are constantly exposed to the risk of flying an aircraft. You must know how to navigate adverse weather conditions and communicate with air traffic control. In addition, you must have a commercial pilot’s license to work as a pilot.
Although there have been improvements in safety protocols, an aircraft pilot or flight engineer remains one of the most dangerous jobs in America. As demonstrated by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, flight engineers and pilots were ranked second and third most dangerous jobs in 2019. As of 2020, the fatality rate for these professions was 34.3 per 100,000 workers. The reasons for this are unclear, but some factors increase the risk.

Piloting an aircraft is a complex job with many hazards. Even a simple mistake can be deadly. Moreover, pilot or flight engineer in the private sector faces higher risks of fatal injuries than their public sector counterparts. Additionally, an aircraft operator in the oil and gas industry is often exposed to dangerous derrick machinery. Often, these workers are killed during transportation incidents and heavy machinery accidents.
4. Construction
According to OSHA, construction jobs are some of the most dangerous jobs in the world. They involve many hazards, such as falling debris, machinery mishaps, and repetitive tasks. These factors can cause workers to remember to follow safety precautions or misuse equipment. According to the organization, 37,000 construction workers need emergency room visits yearly due to occupational injuries.

The most hazardous construction jobs involve working in high-rise buildings. As a result, 40% of construction-related deaths occur because of falls. Other inherent risks include fire, high winds, and catastrophic floods. The type of work is also a contributing factor, with concrete work and lifting cranes ranking among the most dangerous jobs.
3. Roofer
Besides traumatic brain injuries, a roofer may also be subjected to burn incidents. The hot tar often used on roofs can burn a worker severely and cause long-term consequences. In severe cases, the burns can even lead to death. Another risk a roofer may face is contact with power lines, sometimes near roofs.
Roofers face numerous on-the-job hazards, including exposure to volatile tars, electrical hazards, and falling roofing debris. While the United Union of Roofers has been working to reduce these risks through increased training and awareness, it is clear that more work must be done to protect workers. This includes incorporating more protective equipment, such as edge guards, into the workday.

In 2012, there were almost 133,000 roofers employed in the United States, and approximately 28 percent were self-employed. Unfortunately, roofers have more injuries and deaths than in any other occupation. One-third of all construction industry deaths are caused by rooftop falls. Additionally, roofers face the risk of electric shock and heat stroke.
Roofing is a hazardous occupation that requires a person to be innovative and challenging. Among the most dangerous jobs in the United States, roofers must be skilled at working at heights while dealing with hot asphalt and chemicals. They must also be able to use power tools and heavy materials.
2. Logger
There are many reasons that logging is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, but one major factor makes this one stand out. A logger’s work involves navigating high places and working with hazardous machinery. In addition, logging employees are often exposed to harsh weather conditions and work in remote locations. While these risks are high, some people love this job and relish its physical challenges.
Loggers are among the most dangerous occupations in the United States, and their risk of dying is 30 times higher than that of other U.S. workers. Logging accidents are often the result of falls and crashes, and workers must deal with heavy loads and potentially dangerous weather conditions.

In addition, they must navigate steep slopes and are often in danger from “widow makers” or dead branches that can come loose during a cutting operation. Logging workers were the first to die from a work-related injury this year, and fatality rates were up nearly 25% this year, even though the construction of new homes is increasing. Loggers spend their days in remote locations and must operate heavy machinery. They must also be physically fit to operate the machinery.
1. Hunting and Fishing
If you’ve watched The Deadliest Catch, you’ll know that hunting and fishing are among the world’s most dangerous jobs. These professionals deal with wildlife in the wild, operate heavy machinery, and navigate rough terrain. Many of these professionals also face drowning while on the job.
Aside from their work in dangerous environments, these workers also have high compensation. As the Bureau of Labor Statistics demonstrated, fishermen and hunters experienced 132.1 fatal injuries per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers in 2012. The overall fatal injury rate is 3.4.

Although workplace safety measures have steadily decreased work-related deaths and injuries, hunting and fishing workers face high risks. Their fatality rate is 39 times higher than the national average. Moreover, their jobs often involve heavy machinery, traps, and weapons. They also face the danger of drowning and slips, which could result in severe injury or death.
Hope you love to know the world’s top 10 most dangerous jobs. Which are your favorite jobs? Comment down below.
Note: The above list is subject to change in the future. We will update it accordingly.
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