Top 10 Largest Political Party in the World

Welcome to a world of politics, where the decisions of a few shape the destinies of many. In this dynamic landscape, we delve into the intriguing realm of political parties. These organizations hold immense power and influence, impacting nations on a grand scale.

From India’s Bharatiya Janata Party to the United States Democratic Party, we explore their origins, ideologies, and the challenges they face. Join us on a journey through the corridors of power as we unravel the stories behind these political giants. Let’s dive into the top 10 Largest Political Party in the world and discover the fascinating world of politics.

10. AAM AADMI PARTY: Championing Common Citizens’ Causes

  • Introduction

The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has emerged as a prominent political force in India, driven by its commitment to transparency, anti-corruption, and the welfare of ordinary citizens. Founded in 2012, AAP quickly gained recognition for its distinctive symbol – the broom – signifying its aim to sweep away corruption and bring about positive change in governance.

  • A Historic Victory

In 2015, AAP achieved a historic victory in the Delhi Assembly elections, securing a clear majority. This electoral success propelled Arvind Kejriwal, the party’s leader, into the Chief Minister’s role for Delhi. The party’s victory was a testament to its grassroots approach and appeal to the ordinary person.

  • Key Focus Areas

AAP’s agenda centers on issues that directly impact the lives of ordinary people. Its top priorities are affordable healthcare, quality education, and clean governance. The party’s efforts to improve government schools and provide free healthcare services have garnered attention and support.

  • Membership and Reach

With over 10.5 million members, AAP has a considerable presence across India. Its commitment to involving citizens in the political process through volunteerism and activism has contributed to its widespread appeal.

  • Conclusion

The Aam Aadmi Party’s prominence reflects India’s growing demand for cleaner and more accountable politics. Its dedication to addressing ordinary citizens’ concerns and its unique approach to governance continue to make it a significant player in the country’s political landscape. As AAP strives to fulfill its promises to the people, its impact on Indian politics remains a subject of national interest.

9. PROSPERITY PARTY: A Political Force in Ethiopia

  • Introduction

The Prosperity Party is a significant political entity in Ethiopia. It is known for its transformative agenda and role in shaping the country’s political landscape. Established in 2019, it emerged from the consolidation of several regional parties, marking a significant shift in Ethiopian politics.

  • Aims and Ideology

The Prosperity Party, under the leadership of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, seeks to unite Ethiopia under a single, inclusive, and progressive political platform. It promotes unity, prosperity, and equitable development for all Ethiopians. 

  • A New Vision for Ethiopia

The party’s vision is rooted in fostering economic growth, social cohesion, and political stability. It has introduced a range of reforms, including economic liberalization and peace initiatives, to address historical grievances and conflicts within the country.

  • Challenges and Criticisms

Despite its ambitious agenda, the Prosperity Party faces challenges related to ethnic tensions and regional conflicts. Critics argue that the party’s consolidation of power may hinder democratic pluralism.

  • Membership and Support

With a reported membership of 11 million, the Prosperity Party has garnered significant support. Its role in Ethiopian politics is particularly prominent following Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s Nobel Peace Prize win in 2019.

  • Conclusion

The Prosperity Party’s emergence has brought new dynamics to Ethiopian politics. As it continues to navigate complex challenges and implement reforms, its impact on the nation’s future remains a subject of great interest and debate.

8. JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENT PARTY: Shaping Turkey’s Political Landscape

  • Introduction

The Justice and Development Party (AKP), or Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi in Turkish, is a prominent political force in Turkey, known for its significant influence and role in shaping the country’s politics. Established in 2001, the AKP has been a dominant player in Turkish politics for over two decades.

  • Founding and Leadership

Founded by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and other conservative leaders, the AKP advocates for center-right and socially conservative policies. Erdoğan, who served as Turkey’s Prime Minister and later as President, is a central figure in the party’s leadership.

  • Political Agenda

The AKP’s platform emphasizes political stability, economic development, and social conservatism. Over the years, the party has focused on infrastructure development, economic liberalization, and asserting Turkey’s regional influence.

  • Challenges and Controversies

The AKP has faced criticism and controversy, including allegations of authoritarianism and concerns about the erosion of secularism in Turkish politics. Its handling of civil liberties and press freedom has also sparked debate.

  • Membership and Support

With over 11.24 million members, the AKP maintains a substantial presence in Turkey’s political landscape. It has consistently won elections at various levels of government, including local, parliamentary, and presidential contests.

  • Conclusion

The Justice and Development Party’s enduring presence in Turkish politics reflects its ability to connect with a significant portion of the electorate. As Turkey grapples with complex challenges, the AKP’s role in the nation’s political future continues to be a subject of domestic and international interest.

7.DRAVIDA MUNNETRA KAZHAGAM (DMK): A Political Force in Tamil Nadu

  • Introduction

The Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) is a prominent political party in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Established in 1949 by C.N. Annadurai, the party has played a pivotal role in shaping the state’s political landscape.

  • Historical Background

The DMK has its roots in the Dravidian movement, which advocated for the rights and cultural identity of the Tamil-speaking population. It has consistently championed social justice, linguistic equality, and regional autonomy.

  • Leadership and Ideology

Key leaders like M. Karunanidhi and M.K. Stalin have led the DMK over the years, emphasizing social welfare policies, secularism, and the rights of marginalized communities. The party’s ideology promotes Tamil nationalism while advocating for federalism within the Indian Union.

  • Electoral Success

The DMK has won multiple state elections and has held the Chief Minister’s office in Tamil Nadu several times. Its electoral prowess is attributed to its welfare-oriented policies and ability to mobilize a diverse support base.

  • Challenges and Controversies

Like any prominent political party, the DMK has overlooked its share of controversies and challenges, including allegations of corruption and intra-party feuds.

  • Current Landscape

With a membership of over 20 million, the DMK continues to be a formidable political force in Tamil Nadu, actively participating in state and national politics.

  • Conclusion

The Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam’s rich history and sustained influence in Tamil Nadu highlight its enduring commitment to addressing the socio-political aspirations of the Tamil people. As it navigates the ever-changing political landscape, the DMK remains vital in the state’s politics.


  • Introduction

The All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) is a prominent political party in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, known for its significant influence and role in shaping the state’s politics. Established in 1972, the AIADMK has a history deeply intertwined with the Dravidian movement.

  • Origins and Leadership

AIADMK was founded by M.G. Ramachandran (MGR), a charismatic actor and politician, and later led by J. Jayalalithaa. The party derives its name from two iconic leaders, Annadurai and MGR, who remain revered in Tamil Nadu.

  • Political Ideology

The AIADMK, like its predecessor DMK, follows the Dravidian ideology, emphasizing social justice, regional autonomy, and linguistic pride. It has a strong presence among Tamil-speaking communities and has consistently advocated for their rights.

  • Electoral Success

The party has a history of electoral triumphs in Tamil Nadu, often alternating in power with the DMK. Its welfare-oriented policies, such as subsidized food and healthcare, have earned it the support of a significant portion of the electorate.

  • Challenges and Controversies

AIADMK has faced internal factionalism and leadership disputes over the years. The party has also encountered allegations of corruption and mismanagement.

  • Current Landscape

With a reported membership of over 20.04 million, AIADMK remains a formidable political force in Tamil Nadu, actively participating in state and national politics.

  • Conclusion

The All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam’s deep-rooted connection to Tamil Nadu’s political history, coupled with its ability to resonate with the aspirations of the Tamil-speaking population, ensures its continued relevance and influence in the state’s dynamic political landscape.

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5. REPUBLICAN PARTY: A Pillar of American Politics

  • Introduction

The Republican Party, often called the GOP (Grand Old Party), is one of the two major political parties in the United States. Founded in 1854, it has played a pivotal role in shaping American politics and has a rich history.

  • Historical Origins

The party was established in opposition to the spread of slavery and sought to preserve the Union during a tumultuous period leading up to the American Civil War. Prominent figures like Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican President, have left an indelible mark on American history.

  • Political Ideology

The Republican Party is often associated with conservatism, advocating for limited government intervention, free-market capitalism, and traditional values. However, it encompasses a broad spectrum of views, ranging from moderate to staunch conservatism.

  • Electoral Success

Throughout history, the GOP has produced numerous presidents, senators, and governors. It has been a consistent force in American politics, often competing with the Democratic Party for control of various branches of government.

  • Challenges and Evolution

The party has faced internal divisions and ideological shifts, particularly in recent decades. Balancing the interests of its diverse membership has been a challenge.

  • Current Landscape

With a reported membership of around 36 million, the Republican Party is a significant player in American politics, contributing to debates on crucial issues such as healthcare, immigration, and taxation.

  • Conclusion

The Republican Party’s enduring presence and influence in American politics underscore its significance as a cornerstone of the country’s democratic system. Its potential to adapt to changing times while remaining true to its core principles ensures it will remain a central player in the nation’s political landscape.

4. DEMOCRATIC PARTY: A Pillar of American Democracy

  • Introduction

The Democratic Party, one of the United States’ two major political parties, has a rich history dating back to the early 19th century. It has played an important role in creating American politics and government.

  • Historical Roots

Founded in 1828, the Democratic Party traces its origins to the presidency of Andrew Jackson. Throughout history, the party has championed various progressive causes, including expanding voting and advocating for civil rights.

  • Political Ideology

The Democratic Party is known for its diverse coalition of supporters and a broad ideological spectrum, ranging from centrist to progressive. It emphasizes social justice, healthcare reform, environmental protection, and economic equality.

  • Electoral Success

The party has produced numerous presidents, senators, and governors. It has been a consistent contender in American politics, competing with the Republican Party for control of various branches of government.

  • Challenges and Evolution

The Democratic Party has faced internal divisions and ideological shifts, particularly regarding healthcare, taxation, and foreign policy. Balancing these varied perspectives has been an ongoing challenge.

  • Current Landscape

With a reported membership of around 47.13 million, the Democratic Party remains a significant force in American politics, influencing debates on climate change, healthcare access, and immigration reform.

  • Conclusion

The Democratic Party’s enduring presence and capacity to adapt to changing times highlight its importance as a cornerstone of American democracy. Its commitment to a wide range of progressive values ensures it will remain a central player in the nation’s political landscape.

3. INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS (INC): A Legacy of India’s Political History

  • Introduction

The Indian National Congress (INC), often referred to simply as Congress, is one of India’s oldest and most influential political parties. With a history dating back to 1885, it is significant in India’s journey toward independence and its post-independence politics.

  • Historical Significance

Founded during the British colonial era, the INC played an crucial role in the Indian independence movement, led by iconic figures such as Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. India achieved independence in 1947, with the INC at the forefront of the struggle.

  • Political Ideology

The INC has historically espoused a secular and centrist political ideology. It has emphasized social justice, economic development, and a commitment to a diverse and pluralistic society.

  • Electoral History

The party has been a dominant force in Indian politics, several times forming the government at the national level. It has led numerous state governments and is a significant player in Indian politics.

  • Challenges and Evolution

In recent years, the INC has faced challenges, including leadership transitions and electoral setbacks. It has been working to adapt to changing political dynamics and revitalize its organizational structure.

  • Current Landscape

With a reported membership of around 50 million, the INC remains a formidable political entity in India, advocating for social welfare, healthcare, and education issues.

  • Conclusion

The Indian National Congress’s historical significance and enduring presence in Indian politics reflect its deep roots in the country’s struggle for independence and its commitment to the welfare of the Indian people. As it navigates contemporary challenges, its role in shaping India’s political future remains a subject of great interest and debate.

2. CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY (CCP): Leading the World’s Most Populous Nation

  • Introduction

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is one of the world’s most influential and enduring political organizations, playing a paramount role in governing the People’s Republic of China since its founding in 1921.

  • Historical Origins

The CCP was born from China’s tumultuous early 20th-century history, marked by civil war and foreign occupation. Under the leadership of figures like Mao Zedong, the party successfully led the communist revolution, establishing the People’s Republic of China in 1949.

  • Political Ideology

The CCP adheres to Marxist-Leninist principles and is officially committed to socialism with Chinese characteristics. It combines communist ideology with market-oriented economic policies, facilitating China’s rapid economic growth.

  • Centralized Control

The CCP controls China’s government, military, and critical institutions. It operates under a single-party system, with no political opposition allowed, raising concerns about human rights and political freedoms.

  • Economic Transformation

Under the CCP’s leadership, China has undergone a remarkable economic transformation, becoming the world’s second-largest economy. This shift has lifted millions out of poverty and raised concerns about income inequality and environmental challenges.

  • Challenges and Criticisms

The CCP faces international criticism for human rights abuses, censorship, and territorial disputes. Domestically, it grapples with demographic challenges and efforts to maintain social stability.

  • Current Landscape

With a reported membership of around 98.04 million, the CCP remains the dominant political force in China, controlling virtually every aspect of the nation’s governance.

  • Conclusion

The Chinese Communist Party’s historical significance and role in shaping modern China cannot be overstated. As it navigates complex domestic and international challenges, its influence on China’s future and its impact on the global stage continue to be subjects of great interest and concern.

1. BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY (BJP): India’s Dominant Political Force

  • Introduction

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is a prominent political party in India. It is known for its remarkable rise to power and influence in the world’s largest democracy.

  • Founding and Ideological Roots

Established in 1980, the BJP originates in the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu nationalist organization. The party’s ideology, often referred to as Hindutva, advocates for protecting and promoting Hindu culture and values.

  • Electoral Success

The BJP’s ascent to power has been nothing short of extraordinary. The party has secured several electoral victories at state and national levels, led by prominent figures like Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Narendra Modi.

  • Major Policy Agendas

The BJP has focused on economic reform, national security, and infrastructure development. It launched initiatives such as “Make in India” and “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” to drive economic growth and improve sanitation.

  • Challenges and Controversies

The party has faced criticism related to religious and social tensions, especially concerning treating religious minorities. Critics argue that the BJP’s agenda may undermine India’s secular principles.

  • Current Landscape

With a reported membership of around 180 million, the BJP is the largest political party in the world. It continues to wield significant political influence, leading the government at the national level and in many Indian states.


The Bharatiya Janata Party’s meteoric rise in Indian politics highlights its ability to resonate with a diverse electorate. As it grapples with the complexities of governing a diverse nation, its role in shaping India’s future remains a subject of intense domestic and international interest.

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NOTE: The above list is subject to change in the future. We will update it accordingly.

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